Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 469-269-0101

    • Have you been struggling to find balance in a relationship? Is your relationship plagued by “highs” and “lows”? Do you find yourself beyond miserable, but you just can’t leave?  Or do you feel like your partner is turning away?
    • Have you wondered how to step back from a romantic or platonic relationship, but aren’t sure how to proceed? Not sure how healing from an affair works?
    • Are you enmeshed or codependent? Struggling with low self-esteem? In a trauma bond with your partner?
    • Have you struggled to find fulfillment in your current relationships, but feel uncertain how to get there? Don’t know how to rebuild trust with your partner?
    • Do you want to re-introduce passion into your relationship? Establish a deeper connection? Increase intimacy?
    • Are you struggling with how to recover after the loss of a significant relationship?

    Relationships are extremely important. They are the vital connections that bring your greatest joys, or sometimes, your darkest despairs. From family members to friendships to romantic relationships, neighbors, community and business associates – your connections are integral to your sense of self and your connection with the world at large. They can have a sizable influence on your sanity and peace of mind!

    Most importantly, let’s not overlook the significance of your relationship with yourself. Imagine feeling confident in your decisions – aware of the patterns or choices that exist in your life so that you can increase understanding of why you do what you do and even more so, how that impacts you today.

    Imagine being able to feel calm and respond in ways that are productive and in alignment with your goals. Envision having a fulfilling and loving relationship that brings you joy and contentment. Create deeper intimacy through relationships that feel rewarding and balanced.


    I use a variety of therapeutic modalities such as EMDR, CBT, and brainspotting, but my most transformative and powerful tool may be psychedelic trauma therapy.  It’s not for everyone, and it deserves some research, which I have provided some links to on my psychedelic trauma healing page.  Be sure to check back as I will be adding additional research and links here in the near future.  The bottom line?  It’s safe, effective and has multiple impressive benefits when utilized therapeutically.


    Book your therapy session here!




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